For your MVHR system to work optimally, you need to make sure you have the best and most appropriate ducting installed. We supply ducting via our shop. We have both radial and branch ductwork systems on display in our Bristol-based showroom. If you’re South West-based and would like to arrange a visit to our showroom, contact us here.

Radial system: 90mm semi-rigid ducting
- We use the best quality semi-rigid ducting for our MVHR systems.
- Strong and air tight with very few connections (protected by seals).
- Anti-bacterial and anti-static lining, avoiding potential mould infestation that can occur with PVC ducting.
- Easy and quick to install – can be routed through stud walls, floors, vaulted ceilings etc.
- High-quality food-grade polyethylene, much more efficient than PVC due to smooth inner bore.
- Great for retrofits and refurbishments due to its flexibility.
- Naturally cross talk attenuated (no sound transfer possible between rooms).

Branch system: Rigid metal spiral bound ducting
- Sizes of duct work ranges from 100mm, 125mm, 160mm and 200mm depending on the overall size of the MVHR system.
- Extremely durable.
- Smooth ends for better air flow.
- Double sealed for airtightness (Lindab Safe Range).
- Anti-bacterial surface.
- Smooth inner surface.
- Long life span and fully recyclable at end of life.
- Integrated in line attenuators fitted as standard to ensure the system is inaudible in all rooms.

Intake and exhaust ducting
- We use highly insulated ducting which is vapour proof (an extremely important feature).
- Easy and quick to install.
- Airtight.
- Exceeds building regulations.
- Perfect for premium self-build or PassivHaus developments.
- Simple push fit connection.
- Lightweight and easy to handle.
- No sealant or tape required.
- Minimal components to simplify installation.

Air Vents
Your MVHR system will require fresh air to be brought into the building via an Intake vent. Fresh air (with the recovered heat) from the MVHR unit is supplied to the Supply air vents inside the property. Wet humid air is extracted (via the Extract vents, which are located in kitchens, bathrooms and wetrooms) through the ductwork and is expelled from the building via the Exhaust vent.
We offer a variety of vents to suit the specific requirements of your project. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements.
- Intake and Exhaust Vents – We offer different options and can be located either in the roof or external walls. If located in the wall, these can be single grills or a combined grill.
- Supply air vent – We offer a few options of supply vents depending on the location of the vent. For example, for a wall or ceiling we would recommend a specific vent due to the way the air is distributed around the room. We offer a range of metal vents, which we recommend as standard, as they are the best quality. For those on a budget, we do offer high quality plastic alternatives (Zehnder Luna). We don’t offer the super cheap plastic alternatives as we really don’t think they are worth it.
- Extract air vent – We offer a couple of different options for extract air vents. As with the supply vents, we offer a range of metal vents, which we recommend as standard, as they are the best quality. For those on a budget, we offer high quality plastic alternatives (Zehnder Luna). We don’t offer the super cheap plastic alternatives as we really don’t think they are worth it.
- Kitchen vent: We always specify a kitchen vent with an integrated fleece filter as this stops any fat that may be in the air from getting into the system. This is easy to remove and to clean, and replacement filters are cheap to buy.